About the Business
Initially set up with a large specialism in trade print and Business Stationery, Elliott Offset has survived and thrived through 3 big recessions. As a result of Dennis' savvy business head, he kept a Business strong enough to pass to his two sons, Will and Jon. They grew up playing at the premises and learning about the Business, becoming young men with a passion to take the Company forward. Two mainstays of the Business almost from the time of conception are Ken Newham, our Factory Floor Manager and Andy Newcombe, our Senior Print Minder. Will married Debbie and she began working at the Company in January 2013. Dennis felt it was now time to officially retire, with Will having been Managing Director for 5 years and Jon working alongside. Debbie joining the team with complimentary skills has set a vision for the future. Dennis remains as a Director alongside Will and Debbie, Jon has moved on to build a business in the Fitness Industry.
Location & Hours

3 Victory Close